Cómo Desinstalar Citrix Receiver Para
/Mac Dicas /O que é Citrix Receiver para Mac e como funciona?
This vid explains how to uninstall Citrix Receiver manually. Plz use this app uninstaller PRO@ if you are having. Citrix Receiver cannot be detected on your computer. If you know Citrix Receiver is installed, click Continue. If you need assistance, contact your help desk. Locate Citrix Receiver in the list of apps in the main window. Check the box next to it. Press Uninstall. Citrix Receiver will now be uninstalled and all its associated files removed from your Mac. Citrix Receiver is a popular tool for running virtual desktops on a Mac. However, it has now been superseded by Citrix Workspace. Citrix Receiver for Mac(now replaced by Citrix Workspace App) is client software that allows distant client devices to access programs and entire desktops hosted on Citrix servers. Citrix Virtual Apps (which used to be Citrix XenApp) and Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop (previously known as Citrix XenDesktop) installations could be accessed. If Receiver upgrade is not possible due to feature incompatibility and/or a clean uninstall is required; The Receiver Clean-Up Utility removes components, files, and registry values of Online Plug-in 11.x, 12.x, and Receiver for Windows 3.x, 4.x (Online Plugin-in 13.x, 14.x).
Citrix Receiver for Mac(now replaced by Citrix Workspace App) is client software that allows distant client devices to access programs and entire desktops hosted on Citrix servers. Citrix Virtual Apps (which used to be Citrix XenApp) and Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop (previously known as Citrix XenDesktop) installations could be accessed through this tool from a variety of devices of clients, including Blackberry, iPhone, Windows, macOS, iPad, Windows Mobile, Linux, Google Chromebook, Android, operating systems that are integrated, and thin clients.
Citrix Receiver also uses the HDX protocol to connect distanced client devices to desktops and software. The plug-ins that are available to different versions of its Receiver will depend on the capabilities, features, and form factors of the client. The HDX protocol is implemented with the help of the ICA protocol, which provides mouse and keyboard input to the central server and retrieves screenshot updates on the client device. This communication is managed by the Receiver, and the HDX protocol provides end-users operating on the devices with an HD experience of Windows programs.
Guia do ArtigoPart 1. What Does Citrix Receiver For Mac Do? Part 2. Benefits of Citrix Receiver For MacPart 3. Notable Features of Citrix Receiver For Mac
Part 1. What Does Citrix Receiver For Mac Do?
It is very often used for cloud apps as well as provides remote desktop access with certain cloud servers. Implementing Citrix StoreFront with Receiver provides its customers with self-service access to their applications and services through a standard UI, regardless of the hardware device, form factor, as well as operating system.
As Citrix expanded its product range, the Citrix Receiver, which used to be known as the ICA Client, became one of many various endpoint devices required components. The brand created Receiver as a means of communicating in which each of these features in such a way that would allow IT to centrally manage and update them all at once. The aim is to save the administrators the inconvenience of controlling multiple packages.
Part 2. Benefits of Citrix Receiver For Mac
A diverse IT system in which administrators integrate hardware and software from many other manufacturers takes time and thus is difficult to sustain. The client device is unnecessary in a Citrix Receiver implementation because management takes place in a single, centralized location. That when an application requires an update, administrators really do need to update the servers rather than just the individual client devices, saving businesses vital time and money.
The Receiver is being used by companies to also provide encrypted communications between one of their servers and a user's device.
Immediately contact the server and utilize it as if they were located there in front of it. Also, the Receiver enhances the method of acquiring records for healthcare professionals by being effectively integrated with a program/database like the Chrome browser. They can use the program/database to access files and papers required for patient care and assistance, in addition, it is widely utilized in businesses like healthcare, commerce, and literacy which also deal with sensitive information as well as, as a result, demand-responsive systems.
The Receiver helps make roaming user profiles available by keeping all profile information on the internet and downloading it to any workstation the admin is using for the moment.
Companies have more control over their data, which avoids data theft and abuse if a device is misplaced, stolen, or tampered with and logging over to a server and viewing one's desktop instead of installing everything on the client machine offers its own set of advantages.
Part 3. Notable Features of Citrix Receiver For Mac
- Citric Receiver functions smoothly if one needs a reliable broadband connection.
- Citrix Receiver also requires authentication to deliver and maintain security, hence any network delays or timing faults with the connection might cause a delay in synchronizing the two.
- Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops come in many different formats with differing functionality and price structures in which the presence of multiple products.
- Citrix software is established to fulfill compute-intensive requirements.
This article has provided insight into Citrix Receiver. Furthermore, its remarkable versatility when it comes to its benefits and features are revamping the IT infrastructure performance. You can also use PowerMyMac’s Uninstaller to remove Citrix Receiver For Mac if you want to!
Citrix Workspace
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Download grátisDescription
The Receiver Clean-Up utility is designed to assist with the following scenarios:
- When errors occur during upgrade from an earlier version of Receiver or Online Plug-in
- When unexpected behavior or performance is experienced after upgrade from an earlier Receiver or Online Plug-in
- If Receiver upgrade is not possible due to feature incompatibility and/or a clean uninstall is required
- The Receiver Clean-Up Utility removes components, files, and registry values of Online Plug-in 11.x, 12.x, and Receiver for Windows 3.x, 4.x (Online Plugin-in 13.x, 14.x). This includes the Offline Plug-in component if installed and HDX RealTime Media Engine if installed.
Table of Contents
Description | How to Uninstall | Known Issues |
How to Use | Prerequisites | Contact information |
How to Undo | Supported Operating Systems | Additional Information |

How to Use the Citrix Clean-Up Utility
Manual artcam 2018. The Receiver Clean-Up Utility is a standalone executable file and does not require installation.
Although the Receiver Clean-Up Utility will backup Receiver registry keys before deleting them, it is recommended to back up the registry before running this tool. Go to Microsoft article How to backup and restore the Registry in Windows for backing up the registry.
Caution: Always back up the registry.
- Run the Receiver Clean-Up Utility with administrator privileges.
- Restart the machine when the utility finishes.
Note: The Receiver Clean-Up Utility can be run in unattended mode if desired using the /silent command line option.
C:/> ReceiverCleanupUtility.exe /silent
ReceiverLogs folder is created in the location where the utility is run and tracks all uninstall actions and results.
NOTE: In order to improve the Citrix Receiver experience, anonymous uninstall data will be sent to Citrix. To disable the collection of uninstall data, please use /disableCEIP command line parameter.
Data Modified by Receiver Clean-Up Utility
The utility terminates all Receiver processes prior to running the uninstall process. Refer to the ReadMe file included with the tool for a list of items that will be removed during the clean-up process.
How to Undo the Changes Made by Receiver Clean-Up Utility
The Receiver Clean-Up Utility creates a backup of all Citrix registry keys in the file ReceiverLogsRegBackup.reg before running any clean-up and deletion process.
To undo the changes:
- Reinstall Receiver for Windows
- Import the RegBackup.reg file to restore settings and customizations in the registry.
Uninstalling Receiver Clean-Up Utility
Delete the downloaded executable and config.xml files from the current directory, and if desired delete the files in the ReceiverLogs folder.
Required Security Permissions
Read, write, and modify access permissions are required for the following:
- Local machine registry (HKLM)
- Local user registry (HKCU)
- Default user profile on computer
- %programfiles%citrix on 32-bit systems or %programfiles(x86)%citrix on 64-bit systems
Known Issues
The Receiver Clean-Up Utility does not support non-Administrator users with roaming profile.

If Receiver is not installed at the default location, the Receiver Clean-Up Utility might not work properly.
Contact Information
Questions? Concerns? Send any feedback for this tool to supporttools@citrix.com.
Additional Information

CTX325140 - How to Remove Client Files Remaining on System after Uninstalling Receiver for Windows
CTX134237 - How to Remove Files Remaining on System after Uninstalling Receiver for Mac
Downloads - Citrix Receiver for Windows
Citrix Receiver 4.12
Citrix Receiver For Mac
These software applications are provided to you as is with no representations, warranties or conditions of any kind. You may use and distribute it at your own risk. CITRIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) the software application may exhibit errors, design flaws or other problems, possibly resulting in loss of data or damage to property; (b) it may not be possible to make the software application fully functional; and (c) Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, cease to make available the current version and/or any future versions of the software application. In no event should the code be used to support of ultra-hazardous activities, including but not limited to life support or blasting activities. NEITHER CITRIX NOR ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS WILL BE LIABLE, UNDER BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING FROM USE OF THE SOFTWARE APPLICATION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any and all claims arising from your use, modification or distribution of the code.